A view from the shore

A view from the shore





Monday, September 1, 2014

August 23rd meeting

Thomas Pond Shores Association Meeting
Aug. 23, 2014 @10 AM

Present: Marie Clarke, President, Cliff Plummer, Vice-President, Gordon Linneken, Road Commissioner, James Grovo, Chris and Scott Heavner and Joan Schonbeck. 
Absent: Jackee’ Wurslin, Treasurer (Report deferred)   
Meeting was called to order at 10:15.  The minutes of the previous (July 6’TH) meeting were reviewed and amended with the following correction: There appears to have been one more membership dues received (Ms. Tate) that was not included in the previous list. 
Old Business:
1.         Finances:  President Marie Clarke reported that the association currently has $3,936.30 on hand and all current bills are paid.  However, this will deplete rapidly with on-going road work. 
2.         Road:  P&K does the grading of our roads but does not offer pothole filling as a service.  The cost for each grading is approximately $1500.00.  Rainwater has eroded the road near the Right of Way Boat Ramp, causing deep gullies.  Gordon Linneken will look at it and see what can be done to make necessary repairs.   The cost of paving the road was also discussed.  Gordon Linneken estimates that it would be around $500,000.00.    
3.         Complaints about dirt bikes/ATV’s:  The on-going discussion of juveniles in the area riding dirt bikes, four-wheelers, etc. and raising the noise level, being discourteous and damaging the road was again discussed.  Gordon Linneken has spoken with the usual offenders, introducing himself as the Road Commissioner, and explaining to them that they are looking for trouble by continuing to ride up and down on these roads.  There are acres of woodland paths available to them to drive these vehicles and the road’s usage is only for coming and going from local homes.  Cliff Plummer suggested that signs be put up.  The sheriff has previously been called because of this issue and Game Wardens can actually take action if complaints are made.  It was generally agreed that the parents of these teens are aware of the situation and that since Gordon Linneken spoke with them, things have been somewhat better.  It will continue to be monitored.    
4.         Incorporation of Association: Benefits of incorporating were again reviewed:
5.         (1) This would allow our association to have a Tax ID number which would enable us to purchase road repair materials and other items without having to pay the tax on our expenses. 
(2) Members of the association would be eligible for flat-rate group liability insurance. 
(3) It could possibly lead to the association being able to place a lien against the property of those whose association dues are not paid. 
Incorporation papers were previously filled out but then lost.  The question was also raised as to whether if we are to become incorporated, would this affect selling or buying real estate.  Gordon Linneken reported that financial institutions are beginning to ask about associations when someone is purchasing property.  Cliff Plummer suggested that if we are to go for incorporation, the association should hire an attorney.  This writer suggested that we try to invite a real-estate attorney to speak to the association and answer any questions raised.  A local law practice, Sawyer and Sawyer, was suggested and this writer will contact them to see if one of the attorneys there would speak to our association.  Scott Heavner will also look into whether other area associations are incorporated and the legality involved.  Motion to table Incorporation until next summer (at next meeting) was made and approved. 
6.         Dues:  An estimated half of the membership pays their dues.  The roads are also plowed in winter because we have an association that has arranged this service with the town of Casco.  This service benefits both the dues-paying and non-dues-paying residents. 
New Business:
1.    Association Blog:  The association’s new blog is up and running!  (Thank you, and great job, Scott Heavner!)  President Marie Clarke will post a small introduction and pertinent information will also be posted there, including Meeting Minutes, Announcements, etc.  Scott has already put up a few pictures.   The link for the blog is: http://tpsassociation.blogspot.com . 
2.    Environmental Issues:   Marie Clarke raised concern about the quality of the lake water at present.  She states that she has observed “the worst algae bloom in a long time” this year.   In previous years, a resident used to monitor Thomas Pond’s water quality but it is unknown if this is still happening.   The Raymond Waterways Protective Association did monitor the lake’s quality last year and reported the lake’s water as “excellent”.  Marie will contact the Raymond Waterways Protective Association regarding the current quality of the lake. 

Well, that’s it for this year.   Hopefully we will all still get a few more sunny days and star-filled nights on Thomas Pond this year and with any luck, a short and mild winter so we can be back enjoying our lovely lake again soon. 

Submitted: Joan Schonbeck, Secretary